AI managed Stock Portfolio. This algorithm uses various public information to determine probable fair value for a group of securities of interest, then uses technical indicators to determine good entry and exit points. A merit score will be assessed to each stock from the calculations on the data indicating the ranking on a buy and sell list. Using these rankings buys and sells will be entered and the portfolio will be maintained. The portfolio will normally be updated each evening after market close. Prospective buys are listed with their corresponding merit scores based on 1000 maximum points, with above 425 the current cutoff for a good buy, and below 340 a sell again. Only long stock positions are entered.
Performance of the portfolio is presented with the following assumptions. 0.2% is removed from every transaction to account for trading fees. No taxes are considered, which of course will overstate performance due to short term gains. Uninvested idle cash is currently not considered, i.e. cash is treated as sitting idle earning no returns. Average yearly gains are calculated by assuming a set dollar value at the start of the portfolio, in this case $10,000, then calculating the current worth, calculating the percentage gain, and normalizing that to an average gain per year.
This information is free for any use, but information is only for amusement and to demonstrate the capabilities of the AI. Anyone making any other use of this information does so at their own risk.
Latest Merit Ratings --
333 - WBC
238 - C
238 - BAC
Current Portfolio Holdings --
-- $1284.00 cash
Current Portfolio Value -- $1284.00
CAGR -- -59.83%
Portfolio last updated after market close on -- 2009-08-05.
Portfolio Start Date -- 2007-04-30
Transaction History